Who is Fran? Why is she Frantic-Fran at the moment? It is soooooo simple…
🤓 Fran KNOWS how to run her business – she is ON IT with making her product and SELLING IT, alllllll day long!
🧐 Fran is ALWAYS speaking with her UK customers for feedback and always speaking to her US based suppliers to ensure best quality… This is a 24 HOUR LIFE BABY!!!
What happens when you add 🤓 + 🧐 people?
💥 Fran is now playing catch up with her 2019/20 tax return
💥 Fran is now FRANTICALLY-FRANICKING – where is her paperwork? Where are those receipts she put away?
💥 What Fran REALLY wants to do is just HAND THIS OVER… GET RID…. GET IT DONE…. (But not by Fran)
Here is what WE would say to Fran:
❤️❤️ “There is a simple solution to this little Fran-tastic-quandry, and it is US my dear….”❤️❤️
In the form of our NOW ONE-OFF support for sole traders like Fran, she can have last year’s bookkeeping and tax return SORTED….
And once that is done, she can move onto one of our IN TAX YEAR support packages, so that she KNOWS it is ALL TAKEN CARE OF….
Do you want stop chasing your tax return tail? Then why not drop us a line now?
Stay safe everyone 😍😍😍