☠️☠️ Don’t let Pirate VAT cause a problem for you ☠️☠️ If you have a VAT payment due from the 1st July onwards, you need to COUGH UP!
The VAT deferral scheme, set up as part of Big G’s Corona Virus support, is now over. Yep, that’s right. Done. Finished. Concludio. Kaput. Ended.
🤓 Worried about not being able to pay the VAT you owe?
💥 Get ahead of the game NOW 💥Contact Big G and asked about a TIME TO PAY (TTP) arrangement 💥 Be proactive 💥Turn Up 💥 Start the conversation 💥
This article by the awesome AccountingWeb sums it up nicely, particular the first section on ‘Payment Support Services’:
Not sure you if you will have to pay?
🤓 Did your VAT quarter ended on 31st May? Yep?
🤓 You need to file your return by the 7th July
🤓 The usual Direct Debit is taken on the 12th July
💥 So, YES, that is YOU 💥 It is UP TO YOU to reinstate your Direct Debit 💥
(And Big G ain’t interested in any ‘Oooooooh, so sorry, thought you did that bit’ tomfoolery 🙈)
Hope this helps – don’t let ☠️ Pirate VAT ☠️ catch you out!
Stay safe everyone 😍😍😍😍😍