Bookkeeping Bites – Job Support Scheme, Buy One Get One Free?

Big G is a rocking and rolling with this Job Support Scheme (JSS) lark! Yep, not ONE scheme, but 💥 TWO 💥 schemes – Buy One Get One Free?
Well, not quite…….
✳️ Business still open but continuing to see decreased demand? ✳️ Then it is JSS OPEN for you my friend!
🤓 Employee must work 20% of their usual working hours
🤓 Big G pays 61.67% (yep, you did read that right) of the employee’s usual hours NOT worked
🤓 Employer pays 5% of the employee’s usual hours NOT worked……
Outcome? Employee paid at least 73% of their usual wages….
✳️ Legally required to close your business because of C-Dawg restrictions? ✳️ Then it is JSS CLOSED for you my amigos…
🤓 Each employee who cannot work due to these restrictions will receive TWO THIRDS of their normal pay
Whadyareckon our friendly crew? You like?
Don’t forget! Claims will be in ARREARS and you will be able to claim from the 8th December…
Full-guidance-we-are-a-waiting, but until then, check out the policy guidance (better than a valium and stiff whisky for inducing sleep!)
Stay safe everyone 😍😍😍
(Photo by Nick Fewings on UnSplash )