Bookkeeping Bites – Big G’s Furlough Doors Are Open!

🎙Doors Opening🎙 That is Big G’s doors by the way – opening 💥 TODAY 💥 for furlough claims from the 1st November…

That is just ONE fact gleaned from the new Corona Virus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS – furlouhgh to you and I) guidance released last night…

What are the other 💎gems💎?

🤓 Employers can claim 80% of an employees hours NOT WORKED, to a cap of £2500 per employee

🤓 Employers and employees do 💥 NOT 💥 have to have used the furlough scheme before the 1st of November


🤓 Employers MUST have made a Real Time Information (RTI) payroll submission for the furloughed employee between the

💥 20th March 2020 and the 30th October 2020 💥

🤓 NEW DEADLINES for submitting claims… 🔎 WATCH 🔎out on this one!!


✳️14✳️ days of the claim period end… Sooooooo…

💥 Claim period of: 1st November to 30th November 💥

💥 Claim submitted by: 14th December 💥

🤓 Job Retention Bonus – POSTPONED!

🤓 Job Support Scheme – POSTPONED!

🤞🤞 Don’t forget 🤞🤞 ALL claims for furlough periods up to 31st October MUST be submitted by the 💥 30th November 💥

And it Big G’s very own words “We will be checking claims” so be warned!! We believe ya HMRC.

Useful stuff:

🤓 Extension of the CJRS policy paper:

🤓 CJRS most recent guidance:

🤓 ‘Steps to take before making a claim most recent guidance:

This ain’t over yet, corona support continues!

😍😍😍 Stay safe everyone 😍😍😍

(Photo by Viktor Forgacs on