ARG? In Sweden, ARG means


And that you may be in our current state of lockdown 3……
But ARG, here, now? It is Big G’s fancy acronym for Additional Restriction



“What the fiddlesticks?”

Yep, ARG is a type of DISCRETIONARY GRANT, awarded BY LOCAL COUNCILS to businesses as an alternative method of financial support during the old C-Dawg.

It is A GRANT to SUPPORT businesses NOT covered by OTHER GRANT SCHEMES….

(Check out Big G’s little ‘ditty’ on this
So, if you think you have fallen through the cracks, this might be for you…..

“Really? Is that true?”

Well, kinda. You see, you have to fit in the eligibility criteria for the ARGs….
To start with…. Big G states the grant is to:

Support CLOSED businesses who do NOT directly pay business rates

Support business who do NOT HAVE to close, but HAVE been impacted by Corona

“What, ALL businesses?”

Well, we have to kind of prepare the rough ground here… Possibly, possibly not…. Big G does state the type of businesses that MIGHT be suitable…. Like:

Businesses SUPPLYING the retail, hospitality and leisure sector

Events businesses

Businesses required to close who do NOT pay business rates

“How does this good old ARG work then?”

Well, let’s take Winchester City Council as an example…. They have been awarded just under

£2.5 million

to be distributed as these grants………

The good old peeps at Winchester are using ROUNDS to dish out the dosh.

The next round is ROUND 2, open for applications from the 7th January

Their take on the ‘IMPACTED BY CORONA’ slant is that your business MUST be able to demonstrate a


compared with the PREVIOUS MONTH

You apply via their website, check out
here for more information:

Grants are awarded on a first-come-first-served basis

We would advise that you sign up for your local council’s business bulletins – a link to do this for Winchester City Council’s is